The President's Message 9/25/23
What role does self-compassion play in suicide prevention, and how does unplugging from constant connectivity relate to cultivating self-compassion? In what ways can the act of unplugging be integrated into suicide prevention strategies as a means to promote mental and emotional well-being?
Ms. Quadai Palmer
9/25/20232 min read
“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.”
— Anne Lamott
In today's fast-paced world, where constant connectivity is the norm, we often find ourselves immersed in a whirlwind of tasks, responsibilities, and digital distractions. The profound wisdom of Anne Lamott's words echoes through this modern chaos. Imagine your life as a series of intricate devices, each requiring a moment of disconnection to reset and regain its optimal functionality.
Just like your smartphone or laptop, your mind and body also need intermittent breaks to rejuvenate and function at their best.
In the realm of suicide prevention, the concept of unplugging transcends the mere detachment from technology; it delves deeper into disconnecting from the relentless cacophony of life itself. It entails stepping away from the frenetic hustle and bustle, silencing the external clamor, and, most importantly, granting yourself the vital permission to breathe.
When was the last time you allowed yourself to unplug and simply exist in the moment, unburdened by the incessant demands of emails, notifications, and to-do lists? Understand that unplugging isn't a frivolous luxury; it's an indispensable necessity for your overall well-being.
Much like a computer necessitates a reboot to clear glitches and regain speed, you, too, require moments of pause to reset and recharge. Unplugging offers you the opportunity to step back, reflect, and reevaluate your life's trajectory. It provides the space to reconnect with your inner self, rediscover your passions, and nurture your dreams.
During these cherished unplugged moments, you may find yourself rekindling a sense of joy in the simplest of activities—perhaps a leisurely walk in nature, a heartfelt conversation with a loved one, or even the sheer luxury of doing absolutely nothing. Remember, these moments aren't idle; they are absolutely vital for restoring your mental, emotional, and physical equilibrium.
Unplugging, at its core, is an act of self-compassion. It is a recognition of the fact that you are not a machine, but a human being with intricate emotions and complex needs. By intentionally carving out time to unplug, you are declaring to yourself and the world that your well-being matters, your sanity matters, and your inner equilibrium matters.
As Anne Lamott poignantly suggests, nearly everything can regain its vitality after a brief respite, including you. Extend yourself the grace to unplug, and witness the transformative power that unfolds. Feel the rejuvenation of your energy, the sharpening of your thoughts, and the revival of your spirit.
So, the next time you feel overwhelmed by the relentless demands of life, remember that you possess the incredible ability to unplug. Take a step back, inhale deeply, and grant yourself the time to reset. Embrace those precious moments of serenity that help you rediscover balance in this clamorous world. Just as technology thrives with a temporary pause, so too can you thrive with moments of self-care and reflection.